Motto of Harmonia College
The Motto of Harmonia College is “Scholarship, Perseverance, and Excellence”, which is derived from The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects and An Admonition to My Son, respectively.
1. Scholarship
The Chinese phrases “Bo Xue” (博学)and “Shen Si” (慎思)correspond to “Scholarship” in English.
“Bo Xue”(博学)and “Shen Si”(慎思)come from The Doctrine of the Mean which says that “One must make extensive study of what is good, examine it with a critical eye, reflect upon it with care, judge it with a clear mind, and carry it out in earnest.”
As such, “Shen Si”(慎思)is understood as the means for “Scholarship” as serious academic study, whilst “Bo Xue”(博学)indicates attainment of erudition as a result of such study.
“Bo Xue”(博学)means to learn extensively and to broaden one’s knowledge. The Chinese character “Bo”(博)also refers to broadness and tolerance, which implies an international perspective and open-mindedness in learning; “Shen Si”(慎思)means to think thoroughly, to carefully examine and analyze what one is learning through critical thinking.
2. Perseverance
The Chinese phrase “Hong Yi”(弘毅)corresponds to “Perseverance” in English.
“Hong Yi”(弘毅)originates from “Tai Bo” in The Analects. The original text reads to this effect in English: “The public servant must be broad-shouldered and stout-hearted. His burden is heavy and his path is long. For humaneness is the burden he has taken on himself; is it not true that it is a heavy one to bear? Only with death does his journey end; is it not true that he has far to go?”
The Chinese character “Hong”(弘)refers to being ambitious and socially responsible whereas the Chinese character “Yi”(毅)means strong will.
What comes under “Scholarship,” that is, extensive study, critical and reflective thinking, intellectual discernment, and earnestness in implementing one’s knowledge acquired, all requires this virtue of “Perseverance.”
3. Excellence
The Chinese phrase “Zhi Yuan”(致远)corresponds to “Excellence” in English.
“Zhi Yuan”(致远)is from An Admonition to My Son by Zhuge Liang. There are two English versions of the original text we have consulted:
Version 1: “The practice of a cultivated man is to refine the self by quietude, and develop virtue by frugality. Without serenity, there is no way to get far. Without detachment, there is no way to clarify the will.”
Version 2: “This is a way of life for a man of virtue: to cultivate his character by keeping a peaceful mind, and nourish his morality by a frugal living. Only freedom from vanity can show one’s lofty goal of life; and only peace of mind can help him to achieve something really lasting.”
Therefore, “Zhi Yuan”(致远)corresponds to “Excellence” in the motto in the sense that: “Scholarship” and “Perseverance” will enable one to aim high and go a long way, i.e. with an ultimate goal of achieving lasting “Excellence.”